Puberty Girl
Shushann Movessian
About The Book
Psst, want a whole new approach to puberty? Puberty Girl is here to help! Whether or not you’ve started seeing the signs of your body changing, this fab book will bring new meaning and understanding to a young girl’s tween years. Yes, it can be a confusing and emotional time – but with Puberty Girl by your side, you won’t need to go through puberty alone. Puberty Girl is smart, intelligent, fun, colourful and factual and TELLS IT LIKE IT IS. It talks about the big M, the V word (yep – Vagina!), the period costume, PMS, puberty power and even the B word – breasts! This beautifully illustrated book lets you know what to expect, physically and emotionally, as you tread the path to becoming a woman.

“A direct, humorous and user-friendly resource.” – Dayton Daily News
“Addresses puberty issues in teen speak, mixing questions with suggestions and exercises to help girls get over their embarrassment.” –The Dallas Morning News
“Takes a fun, sassy approach to educating ‘tween girls.” – Island Family Magazine
“Takes a sassy, intelligent approach to educating girls…as they transition to their teen years.” – Calgary’s Child
“A fun and sassy approach to understanding puberty.” – Georgia Family Magazine